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PT/INR (PT or PRO TIME TEST) is usually done to measure the time it takes for Blood to clot. Prothrombin is a protein secreted by the liver which helps the blood to clot appropriately.  Therefore, Prothrombin time is monitored if you are taking a blood thinning medication such as WARFARIN or COUMADIN.

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Patients who are taking WARFARIN need regular monitoring to determine the response to their blood thinning medication. This may be checked often until it is in the correct range.   A PT/INR SELF TESTING KIT proves beneficial in easily monitoring the Prothrombin time at home.  The machine acts as a health navigator. It helps to ensure that an adequate yet safe dose is taken.


You can check our another Blog on What is PT/INR Test and Why it’s Beneficial




Patient Self Testing, inr test meters at home, benefits of self testing, pt inr home monitoring system, pt inr test meter, pt inr cpt code, warfarin inr test meters, Anticoagulation Machine, pt inr machine, inr machine, inr self testing, home inr testing, home inr,PT/INR Patient Self Testing


What benefits come with in-home testing?


  • The PT/INR SELF TESTING KIT is very simple to use and is highly accurate.  The PT/INR level can easily be measured by a simple finger stick with a small amount of blood.
  • It saves Time.  In this busy world many patients lack time, are elderly or unable to travel to a lab to be tested.
  • The machine is safe to use with fewer risks and fewer complications.
  • Insurance companies approve the use of in home testing.

Patient Self Testing, inr test meters at home, benefits of self testing, pt inr home monitoring system, pt inr test meter, pt inr cpt code, warfarin inr test meters, Anticoagulation Machine, pt inr machine, inr machine, inr self testing, home inr testing, home inr,PT/INR Patient Self Testing

  • It is very portable which means it can be kept anywhere in the home and can also be easily transported.
  • Emergencies are easier to handle.  Doctors can make medical adjustments sooner to avert complications such as stroke or excessive bleeding.
  • IT makes the patient more aware of their own health. They are more involved.

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